
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Latest Sew News Article

Core Wardrobe Patterns in the June/July issue of Sew News

The most prized patterns I have in my rather huge collection are those that represent simple, basic silhouettes. No fancy neck treatments, embellishments or intricate style lines. You might ask why are these so special? Because as basic patterns that can serve as templates for creating, or recreating, many of the designs that are popular in today's retailers. 

If one examines the garments that fill the racks in most of today's fashion retailers you'll be amazed to discover that many of the designs start from very basic silhouettes. What transforms them into the popular looks of the day are the fabrics chosen, embellishments, style lines or sewing techniques that are added. The important point is they essentially start from a basic silhouette.

The article talks about building a library of patterns in such fundamental looks that fit your style and lifestyle preferences. Once the patterns are adjusted to fit you they become ready-made templates for designing your creations or for replicating designs that inspire you.  In many ways they are like slopers, but in my opinion, better as these already have ease and seam allowances incorporated into them.  

I am a huge fan of this concept and whenever I see - which is not often by the way -- a good basic pattern, I add it to my collection. 

Take a look at the patterns I have identified as wardrobe building worthy. You can always add or delete ones that better fits your taste and style preferences. To show how this concept works I have also replicated a store bought dress using one of my favorite dress patterns.

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